CIP Transportation

CIP Transportation


CIP Transportation is a low-cost, door-to-door transportation service offered to people with disabilities. Rides are available for $3 one-way or $6 round-trip after 5pm on the weekdays and all day on Saturday and Sunday. For more information, or to set up your ride, call UCP today @ (805) 543-2039!

Please note: We ask that you call to schedule your ride at least one week in advance, otherwise transportation cannot be guaranteed.

For more information on the other services provided through Ride-On transportation, click here: Ride-On Transportation

Patrons and Supporters of CIP Transportation


First of all, thank you to all of you who contacted the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG) and urged them to continue to fund UCP’s Community Interaction Program (CIP) transportation service. The SLOCOG Board received 81 calls and e-mails in support of saving CIP transportation. Mark Shaffer, Executive Director reported that: “The community let the board know how important the CIP transportation is for the disabled community, and they (SLOCOG) found the funding to continue limited service.”

CIP will now accept group ride requests from the organization that is sponsoring the event or a residential home. A group represents five or more people. This means that we need to receive a list of persons requesting the ride a minimum of one week prior to date of event. This list should include event location, start time, end time, as well as indicate the number of ambulatory and wheelchair riders. We will also strive to offer a limited amount of individual rides.

Individual rides must be after 5:00 pm Monday through Friday or anytime on Saturday and Sunday, and all rides must be requested a minimum of one week prior to the date of the ride; otherwise we cannot guarantee transportation. Please help us relay this information to our CIP riders as it is difficult for them to understand these new changes.

Thank you for your consideration,

Mark Shaffer – UCP Executive Director
United Cerebral Palsy of San Luis Obispo County
Phone: (805) 543-2039
Email: [email protected]