Happy Holidays from UCP

The holidays are a time to reflect on the past year and get ready for a new year.  We are thankful here at UCP for the dramatic recovery from the COVID pandemic. 

In the past year our CIP Tours, Leisure Clubs, and Camp Kelley Creek have return to full capacity. Our new UCP Connections facilitates supported trips into the community for small groups of friends.  Our CIP Dinner Club provides a dining opportunity at local restaurants to meet new friends.  The Ambassador Leadership is starting their fifth year of classes teaching our members to give back to their communities.  Our newest Horizon Program will work with groups of members to learn how to plan and implement social outings. 

We are also thankful for our volunteers and supporters who make our services possible.  We look forward to promoting individual choices for our members to live a life without limits.  Have a very happy holiday and all the best in 2024.

Person Centered News

United Cerebral Palsy has been working with Tri-Counties Regional Center to offer more exposure to services in the community.  We are also using a person centered approach to ask our members where they want to go in the evenings and weekends.  Our UCP Connections are small group outings planned with the member and their friends.  We include transportation and staff support if the member requests them for their trip into the community.

If you have any questions or are curious as to what this means for you or someone you may know, please don’t hesitate in contacting us at UCP. Call us at (805) 543-2039 or email us at [email protected].

2023 UCP Activity Sign-Ups

UCP of SLO had a launch day for members to sign-up for 2023 activities and had an outstanding response. We spent all day on the phone and emailing with members, support staff, and family members to assist our members in signing up for their favorite activities. Having a launch day for members to start signing up allows UCP Staff to see what activities are most popular and excites our members the most because those are the ones that fill up the fastest. With this information, we can add additional Leisure Clubs and CIP Tours onto our calendar to ensure every member gets the opportunity to participate in their favorite activity. Be sure to visit our calendar to see what exciting activities and trips we have planned for 2023!

Looking Forward to 2023

UCP of SLO has so many exciting program expansions in 2023; UCP Connections will be available for members to create personalized activities with their friends with the help from Brooks in the UCP Office and Leisure Clubs will be happening up to two times a month for everyone to have an opportunity to participate in an activity that excites them. UCP of SLO will also host zoom events for members to virtually participate in activities like watch parties, music hour, friends hour, and more!

Ambassador Class

CP started a leadership training class for members with developmental disabilities in 2019 and we graduated our first class in June of 2020. The class was originally held at UCP in our conference room and when Covid hit UCP moved it to Zoom. The Zoom platform has been ideal to allow members to attend in the comfort of their own home and learn. UCP is starting the fourth class of Ambassadors for the 2022-23 year. Ambassador class supports members setting goals by creating a vision board, learning leadership skills, communication skills, and volunteering in their local communities. Once an Ambassador graduates they become an Ambassador Mentor and encourage new Ambassadors though the next class.

From Mark and the UCP Staff

News About the 2023 CIP Tour and Leisure Club Schedule!

UCP is putting the final plans for the 2023 schedule for CIP Tours and Leisure Clubs.  We will be increasing the number of Leisure Clubs to two per month.  We will send out the schedule at the beginning of November and members can start reserving for events on November 15th.

Camp Kelley Creek 2022

Camp Kelley Creek 2022!

A UCP Disney Production was one for the books! After a long awaited 2 years, we were all able to gather as a group and experience the joy of being with friends. Seeing our camper, Virginia, having a blast during camp and fully living a life without limits is one of the many reasons why UCP continues our mission. Virginia was always moving and grooving in Music and Movement, volunteering to help serve at mealtimes, and made others smile around her.

A Mid-Quarantine Message from Elizabeth, UCP’s Program Manager – about UCP Parades

Hi everyone, 


Since we are not together much anymore, I wanted to share what we’ve been up to over in the UCP office. Over the last three weeks, we have visited over 100 members at 60 homes from Nipomo to Shandon for the infamous UCP Parades. 


We wanted to let each of our members know that we miss and care for each of them and that even though we’ve all been sheltering at home for so many weeks, they are not forgotten about. We delivered goody bags filled with puzzles, craft supplies, activity books, popcorn and candy to help everyone have something to combat the boredom they may be feeling. 


With social distancing and masks, we were greeted with smiles and enthusiastic waving and innumerable “air hugs” at each of the houses, and were told over and over again by the members and care givers how much us stopping by for just a few minutes was the highlight of the day. One parent even had pizza delivered to us before we got started for the day to show their appreciation. To add to the fun and spirit of the “parade,” we held signs at each house saying “stay safe”, “we miss you”, and “UCP cares.”  


We couldn’t have done it without our incredible drivers, Gary, Chris and Ken, Kim calling every home, or without the help and patience from dispatching. Thank you all so much! 


This was a fun distraction from all the uncertainty caused by world events, and we’ve already gotten several requests from our members to come by again. We are all looking forward to a time when we can be together again, and the UCP Parades were just one way to show our members and the community that UCP and Ride-On are still actively serving SLO County. 


Miss you all! Stay safe & wash your hands! 🙂 

UCP Staff holding up signs to greet members at their homes during the UCP Parades
UCP Staff Holding up Signs to Greet Members at their Homes During the UCP Parades
UCP Members holding signs to say hi to UCP Staff
UCP Members Holding Signs to Say Hi to UCP Staff

A Message from UCP’s Executive Director

From Mark Shaffer, UCP Executive Director

United Cerebral Palsy of San Luis Obispo continues to support our members during these difficult, shelter-in-place times due to the Covid-19 crisis. We are reaching out to our members with calls and visits. We have started Project Connect to bring laptop computers and internet service to homes, so our members can connect to friends, family and teachers.

We have suspended our large group Leisure Clubs and CIP Tours to destinations outside our county. We will be making a call soon on whether or not we will run Camp Kelley Creek this year. Our fabulous Night Without Limits is rescheduled to Saturday, October 10th.

UCP continues to provide our CIP Transportation for just $3 each way. We ask that you call the UCP office at (805) 543-2039 to schedule a ride. Please wear a mask while you are riding on the CIP vehicle. We are evaluating all our services to develop protocol that will allow us to help get our members out into the community, while keeping them safe and healthy. Together, we will get back to our life without limits!