FACES – Family Awareness Consulting Educational Services

Subscribe to our FACES podcasts twice a month for just $30 a month. Get the support you need with education, or services for your son or daughter; call Elizabeth at UCP 805-543-2029 to sign up for our podcasts or for small group or individual consultation. Podcasts through May are free and consultations with Symphony Baldwin have a minimal charge.

Family Awareness Consulting Educational Services is a multi-tiered support program designed to help families navigate the special education system. Through informational sessions, small group workshops and individual consulting we bring the tools needed so that families feel empowered and prepared to self-advocate for their student’s needs.

Symphony Baldwin and Pam Richerson bring decades of experience in special education teaching, administration and child advocacy to this unique event. They bring a passion for helping parents and caregivers become informed advocates for their students and encourage a positive, fact based communication approach to the IEP process.

View Our Workshops Below

Current Workshops

October Faces Meetings

FACES (Family Awareness Consulting Education Services) will be hosting twice monthly theme based support groups. Our October meetings will be on the 15th (Topic: Skill Regression) and the 22nd (Working with School Sites with the current challenges). Meetings will be held at 6pm by Zoom and can be accessed below.

FACES support group is free to attend and is run by Symphony Baldwin and Pam Richerson who each have more than a decade of experience as educators and special education school administrators in both brick and mortar and independent study settings.

October 15 @ 6pm: Regression

Zoom Link Here:


October 22 @ 6pm: Working With School Sites

Zoom Link Here:


Past Workshops

Frustrated young student

Topic: Behaviors in the Home Learning Environment
Many of our students are struggling with the loss of classroom routines and structure. In this section, we will cover the fundamentals of
identifying and reducing behavioral issues as well as how to create appropriate rewards systems that fit your child.
Date: April 28, 2020
Time: 8:30-9:30pm
This workshop has already passed. Click Here to view a recording of this workshop.

Parent and child, frustrated, grasping their heads in frustration

Topic: What and How do I teach?
With parents taking on the role of home educators, it is key to understand what your child should know and where to go next. In this section, we will help you to create a working plan for decoding, addressing
and tracking your child’s specific IEP goals and
determining how to make general education assignments accessible for your child. We will also teach you how to create Teach Tasks and other
strategies for working with your more severely impacted student.
Date: April 30, 2020
Time: 8:30-9:30 pm

This workshop has passed.

Colored paperclips and small square painted boxes to help students

Topic: IDEA, FAPE and My Child
IDEA didn’t have a world pandemic clause. As the state and federal government work
diligently to solve huge questions about how to support students of all ability levels, we help to address questions that families have about what is being done to provide support to students with disabilities and how does FAPE relate to current services and addressing regression when in person services resume.
Date: May 7, 2020
Time: 8:30-9:30pm

This workshop has passed.

Topic: Related Services: How to support Communication and Occupational Therapy Needs
This session will be covering topics from understanding how to support students who have receptive (hearing and understanding) language needs and expressive language (saying what they need to say). We will be addressing how to give directions and provide
support to students with Specific Learning Disabilities and other receptive language delay through creating basic picture based communication systems.
Date: May 14, 2020
Time: 8:30-9:30pm

This workshop has passed.

Topic: Activities for keeping skills Fresh – ESY at Home Mild/Moderate
As we go into the summer months, we are all ready for a little down time.  But with many districts not offering Extend School Year, having academic based activities to keep your kiddos skills fresh is important.  Join us to explore and create your summer playbook! This module is designed for students with mild/moderate disabilities.
Date: June 4, 2020
Time: 8:30-9:30pm

This workshop has passed.

Topic: Activities for keeping skills fresh- ESY at Home Mod/Severe
Summer is a time for downtime and relaxing, however, for our more impacted population, skills can be lost quickly. With many districts not offering Extended School Year, having academic based activities to keep your student from significant regression is important.  Join us as we explore activities that mix summer fun and school skills.  This module is designed for students with moderate/severe disabilities.
Date: June 11, 2020
Time: 8:30-9:30pm

This workshop has passed.

Topic: Virtual IEP’s
With the current circumstances, districts may be offering educational planning through alternative virtual platforms.  Symphony has been working in virtual based independent study models for more than 15 years and can show you the do’s, don’ts and best practices of online IEP’s while Pam, our brick and mortar guru, will be covering when in seat is the best way to go.
Date: July 23, 2020
Time: 8:30-9:30pm

This workshop has passed.

Topic: What now?  20/21 School Year Planning
Going into the new school year, districts will likely have to make some creative decisions about how to support students and keep them healthy.  Join us as we start to look at the various scenarios for the upcoming school year and give you some practical support regarding addressing regression from lost services from the previous school year as well as creating sustainable support options moving into the fall.
Date: July 30, 2020
Time: 8:30-9:30pm

This workshop has passed.

Topic: IEP’s on Zoom ???
As our 20/21 school year begins, school districts will be offering IEP’s over Zoom.  Luckily, Symphony Baldwin has spent the last 16 years of her career supporting families of students with disabilities in independent study.   Join Pam and Symphony from FACES as we look at what those IEP’s look like and how to ensure that meetings stay student centered even in virtual times.
Date: Friday, August 21st, 2020
Time: 7:00pm

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81079195145

Topic: IEP’s on Zoom ???
As our 20/21 school year begins, school districts will be offering IEP’s over Zoom.  Luckily, Symphony Baldwin has spent the last 16 years of her career supporting families of students with disabilities in independent study.   Join Pam and Symphony from FACES as we look at what those IEP’s look like and how to ensure that meetings stay student centered even in virtual times.
Date: Friday, August 21st, 2020
Time: 7:00pm

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81079195145

Subscribe to our FACES podcasts twice a month for just $30 a month. Get the support you need with education, or services for your son or daughter; call Elizabeth at UCP 805-543-2029 to sign up for our podcasts or for small group or individual consultation. Podcasts through May are free and consultations with Symphony Baldwin have a minimal charge.